
Hey, and Welcome to my Warhammer Painting Blog!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pictures of my whole Army.

As some of you requested, here's pictures of my whole army at once, though some few were too sick to show up for photographing(In other words, in need of repair:P)

I formed them into three lines, one with Flaggelants in the front, one with Greatswords, Spearmen, Halberdiers and Swordsmen in the middle and one with Handgunners/Crossbowmen, Knights, Pistoliers and Artillery in the Rear end:)

Here's a picture of the middle and rear..

Another picture of the Middle..

Picture of the Artillery in the Rear..

And here's a Picture of them all at once:)

Another picture showing everything:P

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some Other painted models..

Here's some other models that's painted that didn't have space enough to fit in the previous"Some Painted Models"Post:P

A Hochland Long Rifle-wielding Champion.

He's from my Hochland Handgunner Unit, im pretty Proud of how i painted him, the only things i think could be improved is the red drybrush, and the black drybrush, and the Left eye.

From the back.
From the Front.

And here's another Handgunner from that Unit, he's got no Eyes yet though:P


Well, here's some pictures of the Swordsmen im working on Currently:)

They are from the Capital City Altdorf, and therefore they are clad in their cities colours, blue and red.

I am going to have twenty Swordsmen in this Unit.

First off, a Picture of their Champion, i converted him with some bits from the General and the Knight packs, and i think that he looks really good, although i am not completly finished with him, but almost:)

Here's another swordsman, almost done..

And another one... Incase you wonder, the sword is there because his head would tip over without support:P

And here's all Five of them(I paint them Five at a time)

I'll probably be finished with this units in some weeks:P

Imperial Dragon

Here's some Pictures of my Imperial Dragon, made from a High Elf Dragon Pack,

i've yet to think up a name for him.. hmm..

Anyways, he is still unfinished, as i still have some small details to paint, and then apply washes and Drybrush.

From the Right.

From the left, sorry about the stuff in the background:)

As you may have noticed in the first Picture, his right wing from your point of view looks different in shape than the left one, this is because i accidently broke the pin that is supposed to make the body and the wing fit, so i had to glue it on.

I think it looks kinda cool, like he's prepared to dive off the Rocks into battle:)

I won't be able to play with him until i glue him to a base, as Karl Franz, the only character allowed to mount the Dragon, is made of metal, and the Dragon from Plastic, so it tips over:)

Some painted models..

Here's some Free Company Fighters which i think looks pretty good, i can maybe post up some closeup pictures later:)

Here's the Knights of the white Wolf's Standard Bearer, not glued together yet though:)
Here's the two Knights of the White Wolf i am finished with, one Musician and one Champion.

Here's *Drumroll* The Emperor Karl Franz, note that the eyes is all messed up, that's because i had too much water in the paint when i was going to pain the white in the eyes, i will repaint it As soon as possible:P

Here's another guy with messed up eyes(Same mistake as above), i've named him Hans Stahlgart, a Huntman's Son, born and raised in the vast forests of Stirland.

I need to apply some washes, and drybrush his face and such, but otherwise he's finished:P

I made this guy in one day:)

I have written some background story for this guy, i'll post it up either here or in another post soon:)