
Hey, and Welcome to my Warhammer Painting Blog!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Imperial Dragon

Here's some Pictures of my Imperial Dragon, made from a High Elf Dragon Pack,

i've yet to think up a name for him.. hmm..

Anyways, he is still unfinished, as i still have some small details to paint, and then apply washes and Drybrush.

From the Right.

From the left, sorry about the stuff in the background:)

As you may have noticed in the first Picture, his right wing from your point of view looks different in shape than the left one, this is because i accidently broke the pin that is supposed to make the body and the wing fit, so i had to glue it on.

I think it looks kinda cool, like he's prepared to dive off the Rocks into battle:)

I won't be able to play with him until i glue him to a base, as Karl Franz, the only character allowed to mount the Dragon, is made of metal, and the Dragon from Plastic, so it tips over:)

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  1. By the way, if i know you from some Website or Game(Youtube, Runescape, Warhammer Online so on) Please post your Username in your message so i know who you are:P
