
Hey, and Welcome to my Warhammer Painting Blog!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some painted models..

Here's some Free Company Fighters which i think looks pretty good, i can maybe post up some closeup pictures later:)

Here's the Knights of the white Wolf's Standard Bearer, not glued together yet though:)
Here's the two Knights of the White Wolf i am finished with, one Musician and one Champion.

Here's *Drumroll* The Emperor Karl Franz, note that the eyes is all messed up, that's because i had too much water in the paint when i was going to pain the white in the eyes, i will repaint it As soon as possible:P

Here's another guy with messed up eyes(Same mistake as above), i've named him Hans Stahlgart, a Huntman's Son, born and raised in the vast forests of Stirland.

I need to apply some washes, and drybrush his face and such, but otherwise he's finished:P

I made this guy in one day:)

I have written some background story for this guy, i'll post it up either here or in another post soon:)

1 comment:

  1. By the way, if i know you from some Website or Game(Youtube, Runescape, Warhammer Online so on) Please post your Username in your message so i know who you are:P
