
Hey, and Welcome to my Warhammer Painting Blog!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some Other painted models..

Here's some other models that's painted that didn't have space enough to fit in the previous"Some Painted Models"Post:P

A Hochland Long Rifle-wielding Champion.

He's from my Hochland Handgunner Unit, im pretty Proud of how i painted him, the only things i think could be improved is the red drybrush, and the black drybrush, and the Left eye.

From the back.
From the Front.

And here's another Handgunner from that Unit, he's got no Eyes yet though:P


  1. By the way, if i know you from some Website or Game(Youtube, Runescape, Warhammer Online so on) Please post your Username in your message so i know who you are:P

  2. Nice :D 1st comment on this blog :D@@@@@@@

  3. Claw, riktigt fina må jag säga! :)

  4. Damn nice army! I wish I had a so big army :D//Fabel 123 (666fabel666)

  5. Thanks for all the nice Comments guys:P
