
Hey, and Welcome to my Warhammer Painting Blog!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Well, here's some pictures of the Swordsmen im working on Currently:)

They are from the Capital City Altdorf, and therefore they are clad in their cities colours, blue and red.

I am going to have twenty Swordsmen in this Unit.

First off, a Picture of their Champion, i converted him with some bits from the General and the Knight packs, and i think that he looks really good, although i am not completly finished with him, but almost:)

Here's another swordsman, almost done..

And another one... Incase you wonder, the sword is there because his head would tip over without support:P

And here's all Five of them(I paint them Five at a time)

I'll probably be finished with this units in some weeks:P


  1. ohhh my gawd ;D nice :D

  2. By the way, if you are one guy i know at Runescape/Warhammer Online/Whatever, please post your username so i know who you are other than "Anonymous":P
